Humanitarian Check is a platform that highlights the developmental needs of communities and provide adequate solution-based reporting to these issues through in-depth and fact-based reporting. The platform also shines light on those doing their best to provide solutions to these growing problems in their own areas.
Innovation is fast enveloping the world in different sectors not spearing the Media sector, as social media is advancing, Journalists especially the budding Press men and women need to catch up with reporting techniques to meet up with events racing at break neck speed and on the appropriate channel to attract the right audience. Again, this is where Humanitarian Check comes in
While we are out to promote quality and professional solution-based reporting in order to fast track development in communities, we are also out to facilitate the integration of young Journalist in to the modern Journalism practices.
We also provide training to Journalism Students who are willing to take on the new story telling techniques to meet up the audience needs.
Through the production of quality fact-based reporting using cutting edge technology, Humanitarian Check hopes to become a leader in humanitarian reporting in the media landscape in Cameroon and Sub-Saharan Africa
Our mission is to provide fact-based humanitarian reporting and offer media consultancy services to individuals, institutions and organizations.